Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Yudhisthira’s Wisdom

While running after a deer in the forest. the pandava brothers became thirsty. It was hot and they were tired. Then yudhlsthlra sent sahadev, one of his brothers to look for water. When he did not return, he sends the other three brothers one at a time. When none of them returned he himself went to look for them. He saw them lying on the ground near a pool. They were either dead or unconscious. Yudhlsthlra did not no that they had ignored a yakshya's warning not to drink the water of his pool until hey answer his questions.Although Yudhisthira was very thirsty, he obeyed the yakshya and answers all his quesuons correctly. The Yakshya was pleased with hlrn ready to revive (bring back to life) one of his brothers. Then Yudhisthira chose Nakula on the moral ground. Pleased with Yudhisthira's righteousness, the Yakshya showed himself as Yama, and revived the entire tour brother. He then advised them to go to Matcha and also promised to help them when they were in danger.This story may be trying to tell us some thing about the Importance of patience, obedience to god's wisdom and right conduct. Without these qualities, the pandava brothers would not have become successful. This story can also be Interpreted to mean that righteousness make us feel good here on earth. In other word good actions are immediately rewarded. CRITICAL THINKING An atheist may ask a lot of quesuons about this beautiful story. Do gods really exist? If they exist what is the proof for their existence? Is righteousness always rewarded?Arent the good people ever in trouble? In spite of such questions, the answer given by Yudhlsthlra Is very simple. I am very much satisfied with the answers to the questions. â€Å"what can a man give up and immediately become rich? † â€Å"it is desire. † If we have no desire we can really be happy. ASSIMILATION This tale has influence me very much. All the answers are Yudhisthira are simple but very powerful. If we follow his wisdom we can make our life successful. I also knew that the value of wisdom and patience. We should be as patience.

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